EWG验证素食主义者 & 残酷的自由更少的塑料高性能
EWG验证素食主义者 & 残酷的自由更少的塑料高性能
EWG验证素食主义者 & 残酷的自由更少的塑料高性能
EWG验证素食主义者 & 残酷的自由更少的塑料高性能
EWG验证素食主义者 & 残酷的自由更少的塑料高性能


年龄: 31

我一直在用沐浴露 & 用了一个星期的洗手液,我真的很喜欢! The scent is so relaxing and smells so natural (Perfect for a self care moment). I also like how less bulky it is in my shower which can be attributable to its plastic free packaging! […] this line aligns perfectly with my goal of practicing sustainability.



Ditch the bottles – not your beauty routine – thanks to our best-selling personal care products for skin & 头发. 这是一个完美的环保礼物!

*此限量版礼盒免运费. 尽情享用吧!




Adopting a zero plastic waste beauty routine means deciding to take care of yourself & 这个星球上. 了解我们的9款无塑料美容产品.



Our leaves bar™ 头发 and body line contains carefully selected ingredients that are enriched with our famous super leaves extracts. Known for their regenerative abilities and for being rich in minerals and vitamins, they are infused with watercress and Indian cress leaves extracts.

These are used in our formulas to strengthen, restore and revitalize 头发 and skin.

这很简单! 以下是一些原因:

• Their formulas are EWG验证™, meaning without any ingredients of concern


• They are an eco-friendly alternative to liquid shampoos and conditioners pack年龄d in plastic bottles


• Their packaging is made of FSC-certified mix from responsible sources


In addition to our super leaves extracts (Indian cress and watercress), our solid shampoo bars contain a variety of clays (such as yellow, 粉红色的, 红色和绿色和蓝色)自然地增加音量, 水合物, 滋养和排毒头发.

Our shampoo bars also lather very well (we know it’s a concern for shampoo bars!),这要归功于它的泡沫成分——可可硫酸钠.


由植物和矿物质成分制成,比如 红粘土,我们的洗发水 增强柔软和明亮与我们 大豆蛋白 提取,放大头发的粗细感.

由植物和矿物质成分制成,比如 摩洛哥坚果和椰子油,我们的体积护发素吧 保持头发柔软有光泽.


由植物和矿物质成分制成,比如 黄色粘土,我们的排毒洗发水吧 gently removes extra oils and buildup without stripping away your scalp’s moisture barrier. 它也是用 荷荷芭油, a well-known ingredient that helps repair dam年龄 and acts as a natural moisturizer.

用强力原料如 豆瓣叶提取物和荷荷巴油, our Detox Conditioner strengthens and revitalizes 头发 while repairing dam年龄 and acting as a natural moisturizer.


精心设计和 粉色粘土和蓖麻油,我们的保湿洗发水吧 cleanses and absorbs excess sebum and impurities while deeply nourishing and moisturizing the 头发.

由植物和矿物质成分制成,比如 castor oil and 乳木果, our Hydrating Conditioner bar nourishes and moisturizes 头发 in depth while repairing dry or brittle 头发 to give it more bounce.


由植物和矿物质成分制成,比如 蓝绿色粘土, 牛油果油和可可脂, our 滋养洗发水 bar helps clean and remove excess oil and sebum, adding shine and softness to the 头发 while protecting it from break年龄.

由植物和矿物质成分制成,比如 牛油果油和乳木果油, 我们的滋养洗发棒给头发带来光泽和柔软, 同时修复干燥或脆弱的头发,使其更有弹性.

我们的leafbar™洗发水对头发非常温和. You can use our Volume, Moisturizing or 保湿的洗发水 anytime. 如果你的头发染了色, the Detox Shampoo should be reserved for a deep cleaning once a week, 如果需要.

有质感的头发可以从深层保湿成分中受益, which is why our hydrating or nourishing shampoos are recommended. Our 保湿的洗发水 contains castor oil to moisturize and nourish the 头发 and 乳木果 to repair dry and brittle 头发.

Our 滋养洗发水 contains 牛油果油和乳木果油 for added shine and softness. 对于需要一点TLC的锁来说,两者都很好. 随你挑!

我们的洗发水和护发素是113克(4盎司), 哪个比市面上大多数护发棒都大. How long they last depends on how much 头发 you have and how frequently you wash it.

在测试阶段, we discovered that a bar lasts about the same amount of time as a standard bottle of shampoo, 甚至更久一点! Our main goal in creating 头发 care bars was to eliminate single-use plastic from our day-to-day lives. 让它持续一段时间是一个额外的10betapp体育官网!

你会习惯这种感觉的. 护发素比洗发水摸起来更滑, 而洗发水更有质感.

可可硫酸钠(SCS), 月桂醇硫酸钠(SLS)和月桂醇硫酸钠(SLES). SCS是天然来源,因为它来自植物油. 这是最原始的版本. SLS是SCS的纯化版本.

最后, SLES是经过乙氧基化的SLS, 制造过程会产生CMR污染物. We therefore use SCS which does not contain any ingredients of concern according to EWG.

身体油:富含珍贵的混合油-荷荷巴, 摩洛哥坚果和鳄梨——滋养和软化皮肤, 我们的干性身体油富含脂肪酸,如欧米伽6和欧米伽9, 以及维生素A, E和D.

身体黄油: 我们的身体 butter is enriched with nourishing powerful ingredients such as 乳木果, 富含维生素A, E和F, 还有可可脂, 富含维生素E和多酚.

使用方便,营养丰富,吸收迅速. You can use the body oil in warmer weather to give your legs and arms a soft luster, while the body butter will provide an intense nourishing effect throughout colder seasons.

我们的洗手液富含植物成分,比如 乳木果 修复和抚慰你娇嫩的双手. 它还包含 鳄梨油富含维生素E、D和A.

我们的身体 soap is enriched with powerful plant-based moisturizing and nourishing ingredients: 橄榄油, filled with rich in polyphenols and vitamin E and known for its antioxidant properties, as well as 椰子油 什么可以保护和软化干燥的皮肤.